[info] GPIO MAP

  • Graphi detail

GPIO pin Explanation by Category:

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I2C ( SDA, ACL )
The GPIO pins that are flaged with that letters have an specific goal, I2C is a type of communication protocol that run trought two wire bus. The two wires are SDA "Serial Data" & SCL "Serial Clock".
The 'DA' in SDA is a stand for data, the 'CL' in SCL stands for clock; and the S stands for serial.
Most computers have an I2C bus, presumably for some of the purposes listed,such as interfacing with the real time clock and configuring memory, but it is not exposed, meaning you can't attach anything else, and there are a lot of interesting things that could be attached (barometers, gyroscopes, etc.) as well as output devices and displays as the most common.
You can buy a USB to I2C adapter for a normal computer, but the cost is high. 
It is possible to attach multiple devices to the exposed bus on the pi.

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